What is St. Michael's Family Protection Institute?

St. Michael's Family Protection Institute is dedicated to providing comprehensive physical, mental, and spiritual care for those seeking virtuous lives. Our initiatives include:

  • Restore Health and Wellness Clinic: Providing space and support for holistic health services.
  • Financial Assistance: Offering financial aid for the educational needs of both patients and their providers.
  • Bakhita Fund: Supporting survivors of domestic or trafficking abuse through generous donations.

Our work is guided and supported by Sursum Corda, a group of men committed to living out the cardinal virtues (prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice) and the theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity) through prayer, reconciliation, and witness.


conversion_path Integrated Living

Living with sexual integration is about making good decisions about one's sexual life. This includes practicing sexual chastity, overcoming addictions (especially pornography), and building willpower to refuse temptations. 

To live an integrated Christian life means striving for wholeness as images of God. The gospel highlights the source, design, and disposition believers should emulate as children of one Father. Christ’s incarnation not only provides a living example of this integrated life but also offers His teachings to the Church.

Understanding Christ through contemplation of His word and example reveals our true identity. The book of Genesis begins defining the relationship between men and women, which Jesus reaffirms in His Gospels. St. Paul urges early Christians:

"I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Rom. 12:1-2)

verified Virtuous Living

Living virtuously is learning to see the joy of living in the way of the gospel's teachings. Some fear that civilization is on the brink of ruin, but it can be saved by clinging to the four cardinal virtues, the three theological virtues, and the eight Beatitudes. By passionately proclaiming these virtues, society can find relief from the vices that threaten it.

Sin weighs down our society, but virtue cuts these ties. Our passion for virtue can guide us back from the edge. As Dr. Peter Kreeft notes in "Back to Virtue," civilizations thrive in proportion to their virtue, which is sustained by religious convictions. Therefore, religion is essential for civilization's survival. All goodness comes from God, and our relationship with Him should drive us to live and share a virtue-driven life as the remedy for our fallen world.

family_restroom Fruitful Living

Fruitful living is learning to foster fulfilling relationships in accordance with the teachings of Catholic tradition, founded on the altar of Christ's love. In today's culture, the purpose of marriage has been separated from its unitive and procreative roles, making its fruitfulness seem less essential. Have Church teachings always been optional, or have we surrendered in the battle for souls and new life created through marriage? Even without children, we are called to love others deeply. We can nurture and support children, advocate for marital fruitfulness, and care for those in our careers, churches, and families. As members of one body, we must protect the vulnerable and support those striving to follow Christ.

"Complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing. Do nothing out of selfishness or vainglory; humbly regard others as more important than yourselves." (Phil. 2:2-3)